Athletics Track and Field Sorocaba (AAPC) aims to monitor the development and individual training of its students, bringing knowledge through practice and making students acquire not only experiences for a sports activity in the school environment, but for the mastery of life.
From the sports development and monitoring of athletes, we promote social inclusion and stimulate the training of physical education teachers. In all, more than 300 children and young people are attended in Sorocaba and Votorantim, in the form of initiation, and another 30 athletes who participate in events of the São Paulo Federation, the Brazilian Confederation, and even international events.
In 2019 we participated in the Brazil Paralympic Caixa Lotteries Circuit and achieved 8 gold medals and 2 indexes for the Brazilian championship.
Currently classes take place in six centers, which are:
• Vila Gabriel Sports Center: Monday to Friday from 14h to 18h. Address: Rua Joaquim Ferreira Barbosa, 420 – Jd Maria Do Carmo, Sorocaba – SP.
• Clube Atlético Barcelona: Saturday from 8am to 10am. Address: Av. Paraguay, 459 – Vila Barcelona, Sorocaba – SP.
• Monteiro Lobato State School : Thursday from 9:30 am to 11 am and from 1pm to 3pm. Address: R. Antônio Aparecido Ferraz, 935 – Parque Santa Isabel, Sorocaba – SP.
• E.E. Prof. Júlio Bierrenbach Lima: Wednesday and Thursday 9am to 11am. Address: Rua Vicente Funes Marins – Jardim Santa Rosália, Sorocaba – SP.
• In Adding To Multiply Training are Wednesdays and Fridays at 17h.
• Sesi Votorantim: Tuesday and Thursday from 14h to 16h, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am to 11am.
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